En 2021, l’antiracisme a vu apparaître l’étrangeté de l’anti-antiracisme, écrit Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, professeur d’histoire et politique internationales à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement à Genève. Au lendemain du meurtre du...
Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou Articles
Book Launch: State-Building in the Middle East and North Africa
Author: Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Executive Education Director and Professor of International History and Politics at the Graduate Institute Geneva Book Description Why have state-building projects across the MENA region proven to be so difficult for so long?...
L’archéologie coloniale de la haine
Dans son ouvrage Tahafut al Tahafut (L’Incohérence de l’incohérence, 1095), le philosophe Abu Walid Mohammad Ibn Rush (Averroès) écrit: « L’ignorance mène à la peur, la peur mène à la haine, la haine conduit à la violence; voilà l’équation. » Cette réflexion nous...
9/11 – The Key Consequences
On 11 September 2001, the United States witnessed the deadliest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Two decades later, what are the lingering effects? Marking the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Executive Education Director and Professor of International History and...
The Age of Weaponised Racism
“He died like a dog”, said President Donald J. Trump on 27 October 2019 at the press briefing announcing the killing by US special forces in Syria of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. These invocating words could have been uttered, in the same tone and to the...
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