Finance Articles


Guest Speaker Highlight – Barbara Dubach

Guest Speaker Highlight – Barbara Dubach

Meet Dr Barbara Dubach, Managing Director and Founder of Engageability and Executive Director of Innovate 4 Nature, who will be one of our distinguished guest speakers for the new Executive Certificate in Nature-Positive Economy, starting on 24 June 2024. Could you...

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Guest Speaker Highlight – Lucile Maertens

Guest Speaker Highlight – Lucile Maertens

Lucile Maertens is associate professor in political science and international relations at the Geneva Graduate Institute and co-director of the Global Governance Centre. We are delighted to have her on board for the first edition of the Executive Certificate in...

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Guest Speaker Highlight – Marco Lambertini

Guest Speaker Highlight – Marco Lambertini

Meet Marco Lambertini, Convener of the Nature Positive Initiative and guest speaker for the new Executive Certificate in Nature-Positive Economy, starting on 24 June. Could you tell us more about your professional experience? I am the Convener of the Nature Positive...

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Rural Finance in Zambia

Rural Finance in Zambia

Microfinance for small-scale farmers – what is it? Microfinance is a term which entered the mainstream financial jargon in the past decades, although since the late 90’s it is described as “financial inclusion”¹. Agri-lending in the microfinance context refers to...

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POW ADV - 23.01.25

Advocacy and International Public Affairs Q&A
Programme Overview Webinar
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TW ADV 18.02.25

The Perfect Advocate
Online conversation
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Advocacy Q&A 06.03.25

Advocacy and International Public Affairs Q&A
Q&A session
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Strategic Project Management for Development

Strategic Project Management for Development
Online Executive Course
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ADV applications are open

Advocacy and International Public Affairs
Executive Certificate and Diploma
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Mastering Fundraising Practices course

Mastering Fundraising Practices
Executive Course
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