Meet Dr Barbara Dubach, Managing Director and Founder of Engageability and Executive Director of Innovate 4 Nature, who will be one of our distinguished guest speakers for the new Executive Certificate in Nature-Positive Economy, starting on 24 June 2024. Could you...
Environment Articles
Guest Speaker Highlight – Lucile Maertens
Lucile Maertens is associate professor in political science and international relations at the Geneva Graduate Institute and co-director of the Global Governance Centre. We are delighted to have her on board for the first edition of the Executive Certificate in...
Guest Speaker Highlight – Marco Lambertini
Meet Marco Lambertini, Convener of the Nature Positive Initiative and guest speaker for the new Executive Certificate in Nature-Positive Economy, starting on 24 June. Could you tell us more about your professional experience? I am the Convener of the Nature Positive...
Nature-positive Economy: Drive Social and Economic Transformation for Sustainable Prosperity
At the 2024 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), world leaders shared an increasing sense of urgency to effectively address climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. The scientific evidence is clear, but action lags behind, and the...
Are alternative proteins an opportunity for food systems?
The environmental toll of animal proteins The carbon footprints of food systems, which include all the emissions from the growing, processing, transportation, and waste of food, are putting important pressure on the environment. Agriculture and food systems...
Sustainable Finance to Address Social and Environmental Injustice
1. Addressing grand challenges in social and environmental justice through sustainable finance Nowadays, sustainable finance, focusing on social and environmental justice, is omnipresent. Achieving these justices means meeting what management now knows as grand...
Artificial Intelligence Promises, Ethics and Human Rights: Time to Open Pandora’s Box
Despite all its promises, Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents risks to human rights online and offline, and growing ethical challenges. To benefit humanity, significant measures are needed, combining positive encouragements and stricter rules. The AI...
The Links Between Colonialism, Covid and the Climate Crisis
Includes the expertise and insights of Tammam Aloudat, Co-Director of the Executive Certificate on the New Diplomacy of Global Health, the Graduate Institute Geneva. Decolonisation – it’s a word we’ve been hearing quite a lot over the last couple of years. From France...
Policies for the Future of Aviation
The civil aviation industry, with its numerous airlines that transport passengers around the globe, has seen decades of significant growth and has therefore also become an important contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). While many institutions,...
Le rôle grandissant des big tech dans la gouvernance environnementale
La version originale de cet article a été publiée dans The Conversation le 6 mai 2021. En juillet 2020, Google et le Groupe sur l’observation de la Terre (GEO) ont annoncé le financement de 32 projets dans 22 pays pour relever les défis environnementaux et, en...
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Nature-Positive Economy: drive social and economic transformation for sustainable prosperity
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