Voices of our Development Policies and Practices participants

by | Dec 8, 2023 | Development, Executive Education | 1 comment

Over the past 20 years, the Executive Diploma in Development Policies and Practices has trained more than 1,000 professionals in the Global South, supporting capacity building for locally-led development. Six participants from the current intake, representing the programme’s six regional hubs, give us a brief overview of the professional theses they are working on as part of Module 2. The topics covered range from the empowerment of rural women in Burkina Faso to the reintegration of victims of trafficking in Zimbabwe, access to water and the green economy in Uzbekistan, the protection of migrants in Central America, women’s leadership in civil society organisations in Iraq and wastewater management in Cambodia.

Le cabinet eSID’S CONSULTING, pour lequel je travaille, assure le suivi-évaluation du Programme d’Appui à la Promotion de l’Entrepreneuriat Agricole (PAPEA). Ce programme, d’une durée de douze ans, est le fruit de la collaboration entre la Coopération suisse et le gouvernement burkinabé. Mon étude appliquée intitulée Autonomisation des femmes rurales de la zone périurbaine de Ouagadougou analyse les effets de ce programme sur les femmes au sein des organisations paysannes dans la zone périurbaine de Ouagadougou, après une première phase de quatre ans. Les résultats permettront de formuler des recommandations pertinentes pour les deux prochaines phases.

Tiémotié SIDIKI SÉRÉ, Burkina Faso, région Afrique francophone, boursier de la Coopération suisse et de l’Etat de Genève

My professional thesis, entitled From Struggle to Empowerment: Women’s Leadership in Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, explores the challenges and successes faced by women leaders in CSOs in the region. The thesis is a valuable resource, providing insight into specific areas that need attention and improvement to create an enabling environment for women’s empowerment. My organisation Mercy Corps which has a strong commitment to localization and gender mainstreaming, will use the findings of my thesis to strengthen its initiatives and make a significant contribution to the advancement of women’s leadership in the region.

Dersim HASAN ISMAEL, Iraq, Middle East & North Africa region, scholar from the Qatar Fund for Development through its Qatar Scholarships Initiative

Soy Oficial de Programas en la Oficina de la Cooperación Suiza para América Central. Mi investigación aplicada titulada Trazando Rutas de Protección en América Central: acciones apoyadas por la Cooperación Suiza para la protección de migrantes vulnerables en tránsito por Guatemala del 2021 al 2023 analiza las buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas del proyecto PIPSMOVGUA 2021-2023, una iniciativa de la Cooperación Suiza dirigida a mejorar la protección de migrantes vulnerables en tránsito en Guatemala. Los resultados de mi investigación permitirán incorporar mejoras en el nuevo Programa Regional de Migración y Protección (PRMP) 2023-2025, que se centra en la protección de las poblaciones migrantes vulnerables expuestas a situaciones de violencia, explotación y abuso.

Tomás DONAIRE, Nicaragua, región América Latina, becario de la Cooperación suiza y del Estado de Ginebra

I am a Women and Child Rights Advocate who offers consultancy services to organisations working with victims of trafficking. My thesis titled Exploring the gap between the (re)integration needs of victims of trafficking and the Zimbabwe Trafficking in Persons National Plan of Action (2023-2028) examines the anti-trafficking policies of Zimbabwe, with a particular focus on the reintegration strategy expressed in the Anti-Trafficking National Plan of Action (2023-2028). It identifies the gap between the actual needs of victims of trafficking for reintegration and develops recommendations to strengthen policy formulation and implementation. The findings of my thesis will be submitted and presented to the Zimbabwe Anti-Trafficking Inter-Ministerial Committee during the policy mid-term review.

Shamiso Beaula MASOKOVERE-MAGOKO, Zimbabwe, English-speaking Africa region, scholar from the Swiss Cooperation

I work as a Gender and Civil Society Promotion Associate for the UNDP project “Supporting an inclusive transition to a ‘green’ economy in the agri-food sector and the development of a ‘climate-smart’ Uzbek Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation System (UAKIS)”. This project focuses on supporting the inclusive transition to a green economy in the agricultural sector. This is not possible without taking into account the needs of vulnerable populations such as rural women. My professional thesis Negotiating Access to Water: A Study of Women Smallholders and Home-based Farmers in Rural Uzbekistan therefore explores the gender dimension of issues related to access to water in one of the most densely populated regions of Uzbekistan. The findings of my thesis will contribute to the development of gender-sensitive policies in the agricultural sector.

Gulnoza AKHMEDOVA, Uzbekistan, Caucasus & Central Asia region, scholar from the Swiss Cooperation

B2G Engineering Co. Ltd, the private company I’m working for, provides environmental solutions in the areas of water, wastewater, and solid waste management. B2G received a request from Cambodia’s Ministry of Land Management and Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC) to provide advisory services for the development of a technical guideline for wastewater management in the construction sector, based on approaches in Thailand and Vietnam. This is the subject of my thesis entitled Lessons from Selected ASEAN Countries on the Development and Implementation of a Technical Guideline for Wastewater Management (WWM) in the Construction Sector.

Lang SOK, Cambodia, Southeast Asia region, scholar from the Swiss Cooperation and the State of Geneva

More information about the programme on executive.graduateinstitute.ch/dpp

1 Comment

  1. Carlos

    Trazando rutas de Proteccion en America Central, parece ser un tema muy interesante. Estare atento a su publicacion para ver los resultados y la propuesta de mejorar.
    Felicidades Al investigador.


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