Navigating Employment for High-qualified Ukrainian Refugees in Switzerland: Challenges, Opportunities, and Government Support

by | Jan 31, 2025 | Alumni, Diplomacy, International Relations | 0 comments

Interview held by Anna Kuznetsova, an alumna of the Diplomacy, Negotiation and Policy Programme, with Adrian Gerber on 10 December 2024

Anna Kuznetsova, an experienced professional in international development and partnership building of Ukrainian origin, recently had the opportunity to engage with Adrian Gerber, a delegate for labour market integration in Switzerland. With a background in coordinating Switzerland’s foreign policy on migration and years of experience at the State Secretariat for Migration, Adrian Gerber is now focused on facilitating the integration of Ukrainian refugees into the Swiss labour market. His role is critical in addressing the hurdles many refugees face in transitioning from social aid to meaningful employment.

Their conversation shed light on the various challenges and opportunities faced by Ukrainian refugees in accessing the Swiss job market, especially those aiming at high-qualified jobs. Anna’s story reflects a broader reality. Among the approximately 67,000 individuals holding Status S in Switzerland, official statistics reveal that only 29% are employed. In many cantons, this figure is even lower. What’s more concerning is that nearly half of those employed work far below their qualifications, a striking paradox given that Switzerland continues to face a significant shortage of skilled professionals.

The Swiss Skills Shortage Index 2024 underscores this disparity, highlighting an ongoing demand for highly qualified workers across multiple sectors. Meanwhile, many Ukrainian refugees possess precisely these in-demand skills. Roughly 10% of them hold two or more master’s degrees, bringing expertise in fields where Switzerland desperately needs talent. Yet, systemic barriers and challenges prevent them from contributing at their full potential.

With a focus on overcoming barriers and leveraging support systems, this discussion offers crucial insights into how refugees can successfully navigate their way into employment in Switzerland.

The Status S Challenge and Multi-Party Motion

Refugees with status S in Switzerland face unique challenges as they try to integrate into the labour market having a temporary residence and work permit status. Adding a current multi-party motion for granting S status raises even more uncertainties for employers and, therefore, their unwillingness to employ Ukrainians.

Start by seeking simpler jobs to gain experience and prove your reliability.

From an employer perspective who invests in the newcomer hoping for a constant increase of productivity over the years, temporary status is not a solution. A Ukrainian refugee has the same perspectives as a third-country national, for whom the employer has to prove its unique scientific or economic value for Switzerland. While the Swiss government has developed several programmes to assist refugees, including Ukrainians, this does not decrease the competition they face from highly qualified individuals coming to Switzerland from around the world. This makes it important for refugees to understand that “the Swiss job market is not only attractive to people from their own country, but also a destination for skilled migrants from the EU, USA and beyond who might have multiple qualifications and easily speak all Swiss national languages — a very important prerequisite for entering a high-qualified job in Switzerland,” — says Adrian Gerber. Despite numerous studies showing that discrimination by family name or origin is not excluded, sometimes it is mixed with just a high competition. In order to get high-skilled positions, Ukrainian refugees need to compete with a broad pool of talent. This is where Adrian Gerber’s advice becomes crucial: “Start by seeking simpler jobs to gain experience and prove your reliability. From there, career advancement is possible, even moving from factory roles to management positions within large companies. The Swiss government is actively working with large companies to integrate refugees into the workforce. Through a mix of job fairs, financial incentives for employers, and direct engagement with industry associations, refugees have pathways to employment — albeit with a need to prove themselves first in lower-skilled jobs.”

The Role of Financial Support and Incentives

One way the Swiss government is supporting refugees is through financial grants and incentives for companies hiring refugees. These grants can help subsidise up to 40% of wages during the initial stages of employment, which can last up to six months. However, many refugees are unaware of these opportunities, and companies often remain uninformed about the benefits of hiring refugees.

While the duration of these subsidies can vary from canton to canton (with e.g., an offering in St. Gallen of up to six months of support, while others like Geneva only provide one month), they play a crucial role in encouraging employers to take on refugees and provide them with work experience. The Swiss government is transferring the information about availability of these incentives via case managers (social workers) and job coaches.

The job coach and social worker, mandated by the Swiss government, are responsible for connecting refugees with companies and utilising available financial incentives for employers. Ukrainian refugees are encouraged to be proactive and direct their employment-related questions to the appropriate social services staff.

Adrian Gerber highlighted that refugees should be proactive in engaging with social workers and job coaches to learn about financial incentives. He acknowledges the shortage of qualified job coaches and the fact that they are overwhelmed by the number of people they must serve, making it difficult for many refugees to access the services they need. Job coaches are not always able to effectively inform refugees about these incentives or suggest solutions, such as connecting them with companies ready to hire. Therefore, refugees themselves should learn and explore opportunities and address them to social workers and job coaches or connect with agencies like Adecco, Manpower or Interiman. It is important to keep trying despite ongoing job rejections or lack of responses from those contacted. This is largely due to high competition and the limited capacity of mandated agencies to meet the employment needs of the growing number of Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.

Language and Diplomas: A Path Forward

Focus on gaining work experience in Switzerland and continue learning Swiss national languages

While recognition of Ukrainian diplomas is important, it is not the key factor in securing employment in Switzerland. Employers are more focused on practical experience and personal recommendations than on academic qualifications. In this context, refugees are encouraged to gain any form of work experience, even if it is not directly related to their field of expertise. Starting with simpler, entry-level jobs provides an opportunity to demonstrate reliability, gain local work experience, and eventually transition into higher-skilled roles.

In addition, language learning remains one of the most critical elements in the integration process. Responding to information reported by Ukrainian refugees that, in some cantons, their language learning is limited to the A1-A2 level — a proficiency that does not allow them to enter large companies in Switzerland, even for simpler roles — Adrian Gerber pointed out that “there are no federal requirements for the cantons to limit the level of language support and this is not generally the case. This matter should be discussed and coordinated with the case manager or job coach. Also, a number of companies offer in-house language courses. There are also opportunities for language courses as part of the further training opportunities regulated in collective employment agreements. Individually, Ukrainians can look for language tandem partners and practice the language as much as possible.”

Inter-Cantonal Employment and the Weekly Stay Solution

Another point discussed with Mr. Gerber is the challenge refugees face when seeking employment in a canton different from where they reside. This can lead to issues with social welfare, employer hesitations, and cross-cantonal paperwork. However, there is a simple solution: securing a “weekly stay” in the canton where the person wants to work. This ensures that employers are not concerned about the refugee’s eligibility for social benefits and, therefore, this helps to mitigate hesitations about hiring someone from another canton. After one year of employment, a change of canton can be considered.

The Importance of Cooperation Between Stakeholders

Mr Gerber emphasised that the success of refugee labour market integration depends on the cooperation between various parties, including refugees themselves, government agencies, job coaches, social workers, companies, and industry associations. The government is working closely with large companies to ensure that there are enough job opportunities for refugees, and job fairs have proven to be a successful tool in connecting refugees with employers. However, this system can only succeed if all stakeholders work together towards a common goal.

Conclusion: A Proactive Path to Employment

The labour market in Switzerland offers some opportunities for refugees, but it is essential to approach the job search with a proactive mindset. It is expected from refugees to start from simpler jobs, even when they are physically demanding, strenuous and not their dream job yet. Building experience is a key step towards success. Language proficiency and recognition of diplomas are important, but practical experience and strong recommendations carry more weight in securing employment.

The Swiss government, together with companies and job coaches, is working to make the labour market more accessible to refugees, potentially through financial incentives. This system is functioning better and better. The challenges include a shortage of skilled job coaches, limited access to companies, and fierce competition from other job applicants. Companies must be persuaded to use the domestic labour force first—and refugees are part of that. Such “soft” barriers hinder the proactive matchmaking needed for successful integration.

To overcome these issues, Mr Gerber stressed the importance of refugees taking an active role in their job search. Following the advice of case managers, social workers, and job coaches is essential to stay informed about available programmes and opportunities. Being prepared to take things step by step and accepting jobs that don’t match a dream job at the beginning can pave the way for refugees to access the support and incentives designed to help them successfully integrate into the Swiss labour market.

Companies often focus solely on qualifications without considering the long-term commitment of refugees to integrate and contribute to Switzerland. For many individuals with Status S, finding employment is not just a matter of earning a living — it is a crucial step toward building a future in Switzerland and contributing to the local economy. As Adrian Gerber noted, much work remains to ensure that the domestic talent pool, which includes skilled and highly qualified refugees, is given the attention it deserves in Switzerland’s labour market.

By Anna Kuznetsova, alumna of the Diplomacy, Negotiation and Policy Programme

Interview published on Medium


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