La version originale de cet article a été publiée dans The Conversation le 6 mai 2021. En juillet 2020, Google et le Groupe sur l’observation de la Terre (GEO) ont annoncé le financement de 32 projets dans 22 pays pour relever les défis environnementaux et, en...
Environment Articles
Why Sustainable Consumption Is So Darn Difficult
A little excursion into motivation, inertia, feel-good solutions and the need to finally get educated on what we put into our mouths. Introduction Greetings fellow Graduate Institute Community and friends from across the globe. I hope that this short article finds you...
La basura y los desechos sólidos en América Latina
Una oportunidad para la generación de empleo Nunca antes en la historia de la humanidad las sociedades generaron tantos desechos y tanta basura como en nuestra generación. Nos convertimos en la sociedad que descarta, desecha, contamina y que muy poco le importan...
Just Transition to a Green Economy: Lessons of COVID-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has animated discussions about our future economic development model highlighting current shortcomings and the adverse impacts on people, especially vulnerable groups. In so doing, the pandemic has reinforced the importance of a just transition...
New Zealand’s Approach to Climate Change Policy
I had the good fortune of arriving in New Zealand just as the election season was gathering pace. The formation of a new government in October 2017 led by Labour’s Jacinda Ardern in coalition with New Zealand First and with the support of the Greens ushered in an era...
A Just Transition to a Canadian Green Economy
Jeremy Rifkin, an American economic and social theorist, shared a compelling vision of the future in the green digital economy at the University of Toronto on November 19th. He is the main architect of Smart Europe, the European Union’s long-term economic vision and...
Climate Change Emergency: The Required Shift to Renewable Energy and Improvement of Energy Efficiency
Climate change is a serious concern, its impacts are having consequences on people’s lives and disrupting economies. However, the affordable, scalable solutions to leapfrog to cleaner and more resilient economies are available now. Accelerating the shift to renewable...
How can Do Tanks support SDGs?
Peace and prosperity for people and our planet until 2030: This is the vision of 193 United Nations Member states who adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015. The agenda with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represents a new global...
Is the Paris Agreement adequate for the climate emergency?
Celebrated as one of the greatest successes in multilateral negotiations, the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015, entered into force in 2016 and adopted rules and modalities for its implementation in 2018. The agreement is expected to be fully operational in 2020,...
Final countdown on the Aichi Targets: CBD COP14 in Egypt
The 14th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP14), held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, in November, was my first “COP” of any kind, and I participated as part of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)...
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