En 2021, l’antiracisme a vu apparaître l’étrangeté de l’anti-antiracisme, écrit Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, professeur d’histoire et politique internationales à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement à Genève. Au lendemain du meurtre du...
Advocacy Articles
Book Launch – Night on Earth
Night on Earth is a broad-ranging account of international humanitarian programs in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Near East from 1918 to 1930. Davide Rodogno shows that international ‘relief’ and ‘development’ were intertwined long before the birth of the United Nations with humanitarians operating in a region devastated by war and famine and in which state sovereignty was deficient.
Philanthropy and Advocacy, Dangerous Liaisons?
A few years ago, writing a blog on the topic of advocacy would not have been possible because the term would not have been immediately associated with philanthropy. However, the history of advocacy is long and has been constantly intertwined with philanthropy....
Philanthropie et advocacy, des liaisons dangereuses?
Il y a quelques années, écrire un blog sur ce sujet n’aurait pas été possible car ce terme – qu’on traduit par “plaidoyer” en langue française – n’aurait pas été immédiatement associé à la philanthropie. Pourtant, l’histoire de l’advocacy est longue et s’est trouvée...
Why Sustainable Consumption Is So Darn Difficult
A little excursion into motivation, inertia, feel-good solutions and the need to finally get educated on what we put into our mouths. Introduction Greetings fellow Graduate Institute Community and friends from across the globe. I hope that this short article finds you...
The Rise of Advocacy (podcast)
As part of Carpe Diem, a podcast dedicated to the members of the GCDN (Global Communications Development Network) network, Christophe Lécureuil participated in an episode on the Rise of Advocacy. Christophe is Lead Advisor for Advocacy Skills in the Executive...
L’antiracisme est une question de démocratie
Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou et Davide Rodogno, professeurs d’histoire internationale à l’Institut, ont lancé en début d’année un cours intitulé «Une histoire internationale du racisme». Quelques mois plus tard, le meurtre de George Floyd, un Afro-Américain tué par...
Nowadays Advocates
As part of the 19th Geneva Film Festival and International Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH), Professor Davide Rodogno and David Brun-Lambert met two contemporary advocates Perla Joe Maalouli and Alaa Salah. These two human rights activists and advocates are today...
Advocacy Strategies: What has Changed?
The launch of the eighth edition of the Executive Programme in Advocacy in International Affairs is a good time to reflect on the changing face of advocacy. When we first designed it back in 2011, advocacy was an emerging discipline seen by many as synonymous with...
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