We are pleased to present you, Ms Patricia Paramita, personal development mentor and guest speaker, in the next edition of the Advocacy in International Affairs Programme starting on 26 April 2023.
My name is Patricia, and I am a personal development mentor who works with young professionals who are going through/ wanting to step into significant life transitions.
In my previous life chapter, I spent 10+ years in the world of international advocacy — subsequently worked for the World Economic Forum (WEF) and served as the Head of International Policy of EAT Foundation, creating alliances among leaders around the world.
I earned two advanced degrees from the Institute, a first MA in Development Studies and a second MA. This is my second-time guest lecturing for this programme.
This session is not about what advocacy is. It is about who you are when you do it. My work invites you to get to know your sites of shaping and mental impressions, connecting with your truth and enriching your ability to live, create, and advocate from a much deeper place within yourself. I use my first-hand experience of 10+ years in the global advocacy world to drive home key points and facilitate somatic exercises to help students embody new ways of showing up for the causes closest to their hearts.
More info on her website.
Don’t miss the opportunity to join this cohort and exchange with highly professional experts from diverse sectors. Apply now>